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This web page last updated October 5, 2002


Links to Recreational Natural Resource Sites

Birds and Birding

American Birding Association
North America's largest membership organization for active birders. Organizations objective is to help birders by increasing their knowledge, skills, and enjoyment of birding, and by contributing to bird conservation.  Includes a list of most wanted birds, bird art, and sales of bird art.
The name/ web site address just about says it all. This is a site about birding. Includes checklists which span the globe, birding Hot Spots, rare bird alert phone numbers, information on seeds to attract birds, and building bird houses. A Fun & Games section has bird quizzes and "virtual birding".

Canadian Birding Events
Lots of links to other birding sites across Canada, the U.S. and around the world. Includes a Canadian chat room.
A source for up to the minute information about rare, unusual, and interesting bird sightings. Allows you to enter your interesting bird sightings, browse and search sightings by other birders.


Boat Operator Exam Online
Many younger Canadian boat operators now require a Pleasure Craft Operator Card - and boaters of all ages will within a few years. This government requirement affects all recreational boaters in Canada operating any watercraft with a motor, including PWC's (sea-doos), and sailboats . allows you to take your training and exam online.

Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association
Articles and events about canoeing, books for sale, and other features

Red Canoe
Bill Mason was an avid canoeist throughout his life - and one of his films about canoeing was nominated for an Academy Award. This site, maintained by Bill Mason's now adult children, provides information about canoeing, photos, paintings, and much more.
Another site that allows you to learn the required course material online - and then take the test to obtain your Canadian powerboat operators license.


Camping Information
Much of the information on this site is in the form of links to sites about specific areas, including Canada, or interests such as summer camps for the kids. Also has links to information about campgrounds in both the United States and Canada, and information on provincial and state parks.

Lightning Safety
This site presents information about how to reduce the risk of being struck by lightning. Includes sections geared specifically to boaters, hikers, campers and other outdoor enthusiasts.


American Hunter
A large site that contains information and links about many types of recreational hunting - bird and big game, both rifle and archery. Contains information and links about hunting in most areas of North America

Beginner's Guide to Fly Fishing
Something of an introductory primer for novices to fly fishing. Provides information on knots, equipment and casting and other fly fishing related topics. Part of a fly fishing 'loop' that lets you surf to dozens of other  fly fishing web sites.

British Columbia Angling Information
What's biting this month in Canada's most westerly province? This web site lets you know, and it provides infomation on fishing lodges, guides, and even offers a bulletin board and live chat area so that you can discuss fishing in B.C.
Bills itself as the world's foremost source for deer and deer hunting. Articles, books and videos for sale about deer hunting, and links to U.S. state government game departments.

Fishing Online
Listings of Canadian fishing lodges with links to those that have web sites, along with information on most major Canadian sports fishing species. Includes maps showing where each species can be found, and world catch records.

Fish Ontario
As the name implies, everything you ever wanted to know about fishing in Ontario, including an entire section on ice fishing. Includes articles about fishing topics and product reviews.

Fly Shop
News, stories, photos, contests, an auction and more all on the topic of fly fishing. Contains separate sections for various areas of North America, including Eastern and Western Canada.

Ice Fishing Home Page
Basically just a listing of links to sites with information about ice fishing, but you'll probably never find more links on this topic anywhere on the Internet.

Manitoba Wildlife Federation
The association of Manitoba's hunters and anglers. Extensive web site that tells you everything you want to know about the province's oldest and largest conservation organization comprised of 14,000 anglers, hunters and outdoor enthusiasts.

Northern Angler
A Manitoba based and oriented site about fly fishing. Primarily a commercial site selling fly fishing related goods and services, but also contains a magazine section with interesting fly fishing articles that are updated frequently and other useful information.