Resources News
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Non-Profit Conservation Agencies
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Last Updated April 5, 2002


Government Agencies (Canada)

Canadian Wildlife Service
A government agency that knows how to pack lots of good information into a web site. Includes a series of Hinterland Who's Who fact sheets on Canadian birds and mammals. Also has information on conservation programs, bird reports, endangered species, and a kids section.

Manitoba Conservation Data Centre
The Manitoba Conservation Data Centre collects and distributes information about Manitoba's plants, animals, and plant communities. The Centre is designed to assist in conservation planning, natural resource management, environmental impact assessment and general planning for sustainable development.

Natural Resource Canada
A federal government web site, it calls itself "A Vision for Canada's Natural Resources Sector" and states that "Canada must become and remain the world's 'smartest' natural resources steward, developer, user and exporter". The site includes information on climate change, forests, minerals and metals, and statistics on Canada's natural resources.

Government Agencies (United States)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
News and information from the U.S. federal agency that's charged with protecting human health and safeguarding the natural environment.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
This branch of the Department of the Interior has a huge web site with information about every type of wildlife you can think of including some species you may not think of as being wildlife such as reptiles and bats. Also lists locations of all of their offices.

U.S. Forest Service
Information about the location and features of national forests and grasslands across the United States

U.S. National Parks Service
The United States federal agency that promotes and regulates the use of national parks so as to leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.

U.S. State Natural Resource Departments