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A very plentiful pest
Forest tent caterpillars are expected to be a problem in a number of areas of Canada once again this year - with densities in some areas equivalent to 657 caribou per square kilometre.

Successful wild release programs involve mussels and manatee
Hundreds of thousands of mussels have been released into Virginia rivers to rebuild depleted populations - while a young manatee is bottle fed by  Columbian soldiers before being re-released into the wild.

Killing 18,000 birds - and coral reefs
A Quebec cabinet minister goes hunting with seven friends and bags 18,000 birds - while declining water clarity is linked to the decline in coral reefs.

New details learned about bird migration
Researchers used isotopes in the feathers of black-throated blue warblers to identify the summer and wintering grounds of specific populations of this species native to Eastern Canada and the United States.

Birds survive droughts - but not poachers
Wading birds in the Florida Everglades thrive following severe droughts - but bird populations in some European countries don't do as well when it comes to surviving the impact of poachers.

Brazilian rainforest loss increasing - Antarctica cooling
Two groups of researchers have come up with results that go against widely held beliefs.

Conservation and wildlife a declining priority?
Around the world, government's seem to be paying less attention to the welfare of wildlife and the people who enjoy it.

White sharks well traveled
A recent study involving tagging and satellite tracking of great white sharks revealed that they migrate much further than previously believed - in one case, all the way from California to Hawaii.

Afghanistan fighting impacts migrating birds
The War on Terrorism in Afghanistan was fought largely during the bird migration season. Exactly what became of many of these birds is unknown, beyond the fact that they've disappeared.

New car smell a health hazard
That distinctive 'new car' smell you often notice when riding in a brand new vehicle can be anything but pleasant for your health.

Glaciers shrinking - ice caps, polar ice thinning
Many glaciers are moving faster - perhaps towards their eventual disappearance - and ice in both polar regions is getting thinner. Global warming appears to be the cause.

Basic premise of zebra mussel control questioned
Research suggests zebra mussels don't usually spread between lakes attached to the hull of recreational boats - but recreational boaters still have to take precautions.

Use of controlled burns questioned
Most forestry professionals have long supported the use of prescribed burns as a management tool - but some researchers say such fires are not appropriate for many areas, including boreal forests.

Same chemical attracts and repels insects
Some flowers contain chemicals that says 'welcome' to insects that will pollinate it - and 'bug off' those that would eat it.

This could be a tough 'sell'
Researchers at Oregon State University say that leaf and needle eating forest insects actually make a positive contribution to the forest and shouldn't be regarded as pests.

Colorful fall leaves can contribute to air quality problems
Burning fall leaves is an obvious source of air quality problems. Less obvious is the contribution fall leaves can make to smog even if they're not burned.

Sea turtles have built-in compass
A giant step towards solving the mystery of how baby loggerhead sea turtles can navigate back and forth across the ocean was taken with recent research at the University of North Carolina.